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Wednesday, September 1, 2010


At last! This brutally hot summer is coming to an end (we'll be kicking ourselves for having these thoughts while shoveling 2 feet of icy snow from our driveways). The end of the summer also indicates our kids will be headed back to school next week. That means we need to shop for school supplies, clothing, and in some case uniforms Can you believe that some school districts are making preschoolers wear uniforms?! In any case, we're here to help. Just stop in to see your favorite company (US!), and we can show you what we have to offer. From basic polo shirts to French Toast brand uniform styles, we have dozens of clothing options available. We also have thousands of options for branded items, from pens and pencils to notepads and binders in case you want to donate supplies to the schools. I'm sure they would appreciate the help, and you'll be promoting your company/organization at the same time. In the meantime, enjoy the peace and quiet, and have a great September!